Advantages of JDE E1 Powerform Applications over traditional applications

Traditional application format

Long time JDE users are very familiar with the Traditional Application format. A Find/Browse Form, a Fix Inspect for single record (“Header”) type information, a Headerless/Detail Form to enter multiple records that will be associated with the single “Header” record, and a Header/Detail form which allowed for two business views to be utilized within a single form. Typically, a user would launch an entry form and then, to update information or find related data, would navigate through a series of interconnected forms. The major limitations of this old format were User Visibility/Manipulation of Information and Ease of Navigation.

Sales Order Entry (P4210) is an example of this format. Any additional information regarding the order would need to be entered after the order was saved. Once the order existed, the user could take Row Exits or Form Exits from the Find/Browse form or the Header/Detail form to enter additional information to other tables that will be associated with the order. The closest the old format came to be being able to enter multiple records to more than one table was the Header/Detail form used in the entry of required header information and the detail lines of the order.

Powerform application format

With the introduction or the Powerform, the traditional elements still exist such as Find/Browse forms, Edit Forms, etc. The additional “Power” of Powerforms is that multiple sub-forms, grids, tab pages and views can be embedded, accessed or manipulated within a single Powerform. Powerforms eliminate the usual navigations from form to form by enabling the developer to place sub-forms onto the Powerforms, removing the need to take a Row or Form Exit.

Placing the sub-form itself on a power form is referred to as embedding. You can also reference an existing sub-form on a power form with an alias; this action is referred to as reusing. Typically, you reuse sub-forms that are designed to appear on numerous forms, such as the display of address book information.

Together, Powerforms and Sub-forms provides you with the ability to code:

  • Multiple views on a form
  • Multiple grids on a form
  • Multiple tab controls on a form
  • Tab pages with their own business view
  • Reusable sub-forms either embedded or called from a process or button
  • Tab pages can also contain a reusable Sub-form that can be accessed from multiple applications

The extended functionality of the Powerform increases visibility to information, and ease of navigation over the traditional application format. Many new processes such as Incident Management are all done within a Powerform application. The Edit form in the P54HS00 application contains many separate sub-forms, tab pages and grids that a traditional Edit Form could not support. The need to only enter the application once, enter all corresponding information to other tables greatly enhances the user experience and lessons the need to navigate to other applications.

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